The name NAKWÉWÉ (NAHUATL (NA’ WAL) LANGUAGE) was birthed after journeying for 12 weeks through the Realms of The Divine Wombman of Sacred Femininity under the mentorship of Mistress Mehmuna Melchizedek. These gifts have been in hiding for too long, its time to share them with the world. Ase’

“Her movement births the moon and the stars-gracefully flowing in cycles of life offering the gift of transformation to others"

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  • Oracle Readings

    Spend time with your Guardian Angels, Ancestors and Spirit Guides that surround you

    ● Organize the Chaos (1 card)

    Best for checking in with this current season of your life

    Cost: $20.00

    ● Confirm and Affirm (1 card )

    Best for quick questions or confirmations/affirmations

    Cost: $20.00

    ● Deep Dive (5 cards)

    Best for What’s Happening Right now, What Needs to Happen and How You Do It with a theme of the energy that surrounds you in this moment

    Cost: $80.00

    The Process:

    1.Clear Deck + Open Prayer (Gratitude + Ancestral Reverence)

    2.Asking the Question/Conversation

    3.Ground Question + Pull Cards

    4.Card Discussion + Breakdown

    5.Review/Feedback Form

  • Tarot Readings

    Tap into the duality of your existence

    ● Organize the Chaos (1 card)

    Purpose: best for checking in with this current season of your life

    Cost: $20.00

    ● Duality Pull (2 cards)

    Purpose: What aspect of my dark/light do I need to focus on?

    Cost: $40.00

    ● Timeline Pull (3 cards)

    Purpose: best for past, present and future insights

    Cost: $60.00

    The Process:

    1.Clear Deck + Open Prayer (Gratitude + Ancestral Reverence)

    2.Asking the Question/Conversation

    3.Ground Question + Pull Cards

    4.Card Discussion + Breakdown

    5.Review/Feedback Form

    *travel available

  • Reiki is an intuitive healing practice that channels universal life force energy through the hands.

    Purpose: Crown Reiki focuses on the crown chakra and has the power to calm your mind while regulating the nervous system.

    Pop-Up Events: $1.00/min. ($10 minimum)

    Event Booking:

    1hr - $100.00 (includes travel, unless outside of Detroit)

  • Reiki is an intuitive healing practice that channels universal life force energy through the hands.

    Purpose: “Full Body Reiki” scans the entire body to feel imbalances within the energy points while channeling  divine life force energy to tend to the areas.


    30min. - $50.00

    1hr. - $100.00

    (Prices include travel unless outside of Detroit)

  • I-Ching is an ancient Chinese manual of divination based on eight symbolic trigrams and sixty-four hexagrams, interpreted in terms of the principles of yin and yang.

    Spend time with a consciousness that is fundamental and unchanging

    The Process:


    2.You will write down your question

    3.I will divine using I-ching (this part takes 5-10min)

    4.Then, I will send you/read you your answer.

    Cost: $40.00 *travel available

  • Are you looking to add some background drumming to your event or your band?

    Hourly Rate: 50.00/hr

  • Are you looking to add the element of movement to your event or performance?

    Hourly Rate: 50.00/hr

    Style: Freeform
